How can I initiate the HUD to display after Start Button?

Hi everyone!

Can you tell me how to initiate my HUD widget after this string and not on game load.
Thanks! :smiley:

Further Info:

So currently the HUD loads on game start, so it’s always seen. I don’t want the HUD to display until the user selects PLAY from the main menu.

Here’s my string for the Play button that removes the menu (successfully), and then calls for the HUD widget.

My problem is something is loading the HUD widget as soon as the game boots. What is calling it? I don’t have anything in the blueprints calling it (except for what you see above, but that comes later and on-demand by the user).

UPDATE: I found a node that was creating the HUD Widget. So I removed that. And now the HUD doesn’t load until I want… So that works now. But the healthbar I have isn’t loading, the blueprint for that is in the player_character. What can I do to get the health bar load when the HUD now loads?