Demorec Replay Demo recording failure

Reproduction Steps

1 Create New Project (Third Person BP Template)

2 Play

3 Open console

4 Use the demorec command

Output Log

I am getting the following console output:

Cmd: demorec <test>
LogNet: GetLocalNetworkVersion: GEngineNetVersion: 2872498, ProjectName: replaytest, ProjectVersion:, InternalProtocolVersion: 9, LocalNetworkVersion: 1044399586
LogDemo:Warning: UDemoNetConnection::ReplayStreamingReady: Failed.
LogDemo: StopDemo: Demo <test> stopped at frame 0
LogNet: UNetConnection::Close: Name: DemoNetConnection_0, Driver: DemoNetDriver DemoNetDriver_0, PC: NULL, Owner: NULL, Channels: 0, RemoteAddr: UDemoNetConnection, Time: 2016.03.21-18.46.32
LogDemo:Warning: Demo recording failed: Couldn't open demo file <test> for writing

When I try recording a second time, I get the following output:

Cmd: demorec <name>
LogNet: CreateNamedNetDriver DemoNetDriver already exists as DemoNetDriver_0
LogDemo:Warning: RecordReplay: failed to create demo net driver!

Obviously I also cannot DemoPlay, since there is no recording created.
Do you know if there is a workaround or other help?

I only now figured, that replay is working when playing in standalone. Also in 4.11 preview 8, you get a warning, that demo recording is disabled in Play In Editor (PIE) mode.