Enabling Physics on a Blueprint w/ Mesh Component?


I have a blueprint class that contains a static mesh (by default it is one that comes with the UE4 startercontent). I wanted to turn simulate physics on- but it seemed to be greyed out. Upon further research it looks as if the only way to enable physics on a blueprint is to add a collision component to it- is this true?

If so, can I simply set the collision component to the collision data already on the mesh? Since my blueprint is the base class for a item system, the mesh will be varying depending on the item- and I don’t feel like a primitive capsule component is going to work for all of them.

Yes that is true no simulate physics without collision, you can open the static mesh and create collision for it using the settings on the Collision Menu:


Once the mesh has collision you will be able to check simulate physics option.

I could be wrong, but I think these startercontent meshes already have collision.

Do the purple lines here represent collision? Also if so, why can’t I enable physics?

Hmm- well, okay. Apparently the models do have collision by default. I went into my blueprint, removed the old static mesh component, added a new one and I was able to check the enable physics box this time. Not sure why, or how- but it worked so I’ll take it.

It will need a physics asset / collision and it will also need to have the collision settings similar to PhysicsActor to work properly.