Server & client works Locally on computer but not outside LAN

So I package my UE4 Game, and make sure the TCP FSocket connects to my public IP. I owen up ports on my router, and allow traffic on my PC.

I send my friend the game, and he successfully connects to my server from a remote IP. He types in the username and pass, and it fails to log him on, until he presses it a second time, and then gets disconnected.

HOWEVER, when this is happening on my PC. I.E I run three instances of the game and connect to server, I can log in with no problems.

I tried on my MAC laptop, I can connect to server, and when I press log in with correct credentials I fail to log in, but second time I can log in, and then I am in the lobby with correct details.

So my game works LAN, but not outside LAN.

Anyone know why :P?


Hi Moynzy,

Due to the large volume of questions and comments concerning the Engine, we did not have a chance to respond to your post at the time you submitted it and, thus, the issue is now outdated. If you are still experiencing this issue in the current release of the Engine, please make a new post for assistance.
