Skeleton Mesh failing to save

Our team is currently using 4.9.2 As I try to save the skeleton part of a SkeletonMesh it repeatedly says

The asset ‘/Game/Characters/WinCube/WinCubeSM_01_Skeleton’ (WinCubeSM_01_Skeleton.uasset) failed to save.

Cancel: Stop saving all assets and return to the editor.
Retry: Attempt to save the asset again.
Continue: Skip saving this asset only.

however it gives no reason why it is failing. The skeleton mesh itself is just a simple cube made in maya with 3 bones for particle effects.

Hi Colin,

I’m not quite clear how you are trying to save just the “skeleton” part of the skeletal mesh. If I understand you correctly, you are trying to save out just the joints, which is not possible.

The term “skeleton” is misleading as in UE4, the “skeleton” is not the network of joints that you see but instead a hierarchy/list that assigns transforms to the bones (where rotations of bones is controlled by the animation) -Here’s a Twitch stream where one of our lead animation developers, Laurent Delayen, explains this concept more eloquently:

Unreal Engine Support: Runtime Animation Retargeting - Live from Epic HQ
-about the 12.5 minute mark for this specific topic

So, if I understand you correctly, you’ll likely want to retarget one skeletal mesh to the other, or export the entire skeletal mesh, detach the skin from the joints and reskin another mesh to those joints. If I am not understanding you correctly, please describe in greater detail what you are ultimately trying to accomplish and I’ll likely be able to help you get there or find another way to achieve the same thing.


We have an AnimTrails Effect we have attached to the legs on a run animation. What I’m trying to do is add this effect to our capture object. Our capture object previously was a static mesh so I’ve added bones to the mesh in maya and exported out a new skeletal mesh to use in place of the static mesh. I’ve then added a socket for the bone in the center to attach our specific AnimTrails Effect to and am trying to figure out how to add animations to it to trigger the particle effect.

I’m not sure what you mean by “capture object” but you can certainly add Particle Effects to sockets attached to any skeletal mesh then trigger them via blueprints. So, if I understand your initial question, you have imported a “box” skeletal mesh with 3 bones, but the box “skeleton” is not saving when you save your project?