iCloud connection

Hi I have recently been working on a plugin for using iCloud for ios games. Mainly to store save data on the cloud for all devices.

So I took a look at TestCloudInterface class files and I managed to get all things connected and up until the point where I need to do the first save (SharedCloud->WriteSharedFile(InUserId, “FileName”, uint8Array) but I get a crash.
After some checking in xcode debugging I got this message.

Terminating app due to uncaught exception ‘CKException’, reason: ‘The application is missing required entitlement com.apple.developer.icloud-services’

I also added in my DefaultEngine

And inside my game setup I have Use cloud kit active.

I was wondering if anyone else had problems with doing iCloud support and how you maybe solved it? I will do some more research today about the error and see if I can maybe add some different apple entitlements maybe for making it work.

It’s been about a week now and I have heard nothing atm and as well as not getting anything to work.
So hopefully a dev can come by and help me out.

What I have done is the following

  1. Go in to apple developer and set iCloud active with “Include CloudKit support (requires Xcode 6)”

  2. Created a iCloud container in apple developer

  3. Activate IOSRuntimeSettings bEnableCloudKitSupport=true

  4. Started making the class which is a simplified version of TestCloudInterface.cpp. Do all the checks etc.

  5. And do the write file but crashes.

Running without a filename doesn’t crash it. But well the filename gives me the entitlement error as above. I looked inside my Project/Intermediate/IOS/project.entitlement and it’s written in there.

Still would like to have some help on this somehow. I’m not really sure what I have missed. Might it be that the iCloud container key is not written inside the entitlement. And if so how can I put it in. Maybe I have to override the UEDeployIOS.cs for adding that.

Thanks again in advance.

Okay I got it to work now. I had to do a shipping build in Xcode just to get it working. _shipping in project launcher doesn’t work on my end.

I’m encountering the exact same issue and the same CKException crash. The GameName.entitlement seems to check out just as yours did. When you mentioned “do a shipping build in Xcode”, how exactly did you go about that? Are you building shipping from your main GameName.xcworkspace project?
Or are you building shipping from Intermediate/ProjectFilesIOS/GameName.xcodeproj directly to the device?

I Did get it to work for shipping in Xcode project in launcher version. But I had to make it in the github version to be able to submit to apple and there it failed because it wouldn’t compile all classes in Xcode. So I never fixed it, I just released it without it. Hope this is somewhat helpful