Property binding documentation unhelpful, need assistance

I’m trying to do what is described in the property binding section with my own continue button…

i get to the last sentence and i just dont know how to proceed.

“With this variable bound to the IsEnabled Behavior, you could then set this whenever your game is started by checking if a save file is present and if so, … HERE IS WHERE I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT IT’S TALKING ABOUT … Casting to this Widget Blueprint to access and set the DoesSaveExist variable to True which would then enable the Button.”

do you do this in the function get_ContinueButton_bIsEnabled_0 ?
or in the MainMenu level blueprint?

here is what i tried…

Why would there be no image here on the hardest final step?

You could do it in your widget blueprint, or in your level blueprint, or anywhere you have access to the widget object instance. In your screenshot, you are already in the widget blueprint, so you really just need to return whether or not the widget should be enabled (if there is a save, return true, if not, return false). Just pipe the result of the Does Save Game Exist? node directly to the return value of your graph.

Select your Button and navigate to the details Panel.
