Why is my game not cooking?

I get this warnings and errors and then the project launcher shuts down. I could try too fix this errors but files that are causing don’t even exist on my computer. I was following the directory where its says error is

but it simply doesn’t exist on my computer…

Maybe UE4 keeps a reference in cache in the file “C:\YourProjectPath\Saved\Cooked\WindowsNoEditor\TheSoundOfSilence\AssetRegistry.bin”. You should try to remove it or better, remove the directory ‘Saved’ and try to relaunch.
If it still doesn’t work, try to also remove Intermediate. And if it still doesn’t work, move your project to “C:\Projects\TheSoundOfSilence” to get a short path.

Oh my god! Thank you so much! The first two didn’t work but moving my project did and it finally got cooked and launched.