Dedicated Build Server

Is there any guide for setting up a dedicated build and packaging server for Unreal Engine?
Is this possible to do without too much effort?

To clarify, at my workplaces there was a continuous integration server that packaged the game for every supported platform to check for errors on every commit and to maintain snapshots of every nth build or every tagged build.
I’m having trouble finding something like this for Unreal Engine because all the articles I’ve found are about player networking, not packaging and deployment.

The following are links to documentation, guides or videos that may be of use to you for what you’re trying to do, good luck!

  • [Networking and Multiplayer][1]
  • [Dedicated Server Guide (Windows & Linux)][2]
  • [Standalone Dedicated Server][3]
  • [Client-Server Model][4]
  • [UE4 Dedicated Server; Video][5]

Networking and Multiplayer in Unreal Engine | Unreal Engine 5.1 Documentation
[2]: A new, community-hosted Unreal Engine Wiki - Announcements - Epic Developer Community Forums
[3]: A new, community-hosted Unreal Engine Wiki - Announcements - Epic Developer Community Forums
[4]: Networking Overview for Unreal Engine | Unreal Engine 5.1 Documentation
[5]: https://www…com/watch?v=zSA8zUo8oCg

Thanks for the response! I don’t see anything about packaging and deployment in these articles though :’(. I’ll update my question to further clarify.

Follow the links and you’ll be fine. For Packaging and deployment, it’s mentioned in the videos. “Dedicated Server Ue4 tutorial”.

So the server you can host on a PC, or virtual machine, and with the client, you will run a console command node, connecting to the dedicated server. Or this can be done in the command line.

Would there be a way to hook up such a dedicated server to build the project to multiple platforms on a Perforce, SVN, or Git push?
I’m not understanding the leap where this server setup lets me run build commands rather than run a game.

If what you’re looking for wasn’t originally described within the original question, it’s best for you to create a new AnswerHub post. I’d also suggest posting to the Forums.


heya, i’m still not sure how to make the leap from the above tutorials to having automated building with a repository push, could someone explain it to me?
these articles don’t seem to discuss continuous integration or build servers…

would it be best if i opened up a new question that didn’t include the keywords “dedicated” or “build” or “server” and instead only discussed continuous integration?

i don’t want help with compiling and building a dedicated server, i want help with a server that is dedicated to building and compiling and am wondering if anything exists to do this with unreal engine.
am i still misinterpreting the linked articles somehow?

I will post in the forums. I tried to be careful with my wording, but it looks like it’s going to be difficult to get this one right without completely avoiding the use of certain key words :smiley:

is it possible to delete this question in case someone stumbles on it looking for the dedicated build server the title suggests they’d find?

I will go ahead and close it. Please let us know if there is anything else we can help with. :slight_smile: