Why the need of downloading UE again when update fails?

Hi there,
the closest posts i found are these, and no post in here does solve the issue of redownloading.

When an update (of any application) fails you usually fix things and just try to reinstall until it works (usually just “run as admin”).

But in this case the Continue button of the launcher does not continue after the download to re-install as expected but at the very beginning. Is there any way to avoid downloading over and over again?

If UE4PrereqSetup_x64.exe is already installed successfully by a previous version (4.11.p7) the whole update (4.11.p8) fails because this exe can not be installed (there is a well known issue with Prereq+Win7). Is there any way to just let the UE finish the update and let you take care of UE4PrereqSetup_x64.exe installation manually afterwards if a fix is really required?
Prerequisites will be changed only with >=minor updates anyway and not within build versions if I am right?

I experienced the same issues when updating 4.10 as well and had no problem with the initial installation of UE4PrereqSetup since 4.7.

It’s actually a feature request, to make people less sad when missing the awesome UE for so long due to several re-downloads. Thx :slight_smile:


To solve others issues (i just waited to have it work): If your update fails and you have this error in the launcher log:

[]BuildPatchServices: Running prerequisites installer .../Epic Games/4.11/Engine/Extras/Redist/en-us/UE4PrereqSetup_x64.exe /quiet
[]BuildPatchServices: ERROR: Failed to start the prerequisites install process.
[]BuildDataGenerator: FATAL ERROR: EBuildPatchInstallError::PrerequisiteError, E-1223

It worked for me when just running this UE4PrereqSetup_x64.exe. You can only uninstall since it is already installed. Do so, and run the UE update again.


Hi Marooney,

Thank you for your feature suggestion. If you could, please visit help.epicgames.com and fill out the contact form. We have recently modified the process for how Epic Games handles launcher troubleshooting/feature requests.