[4.11.0] Preview 8 - Critical - GearVR build crashes after onPause

After a typical android onPause/onResume cycle the GameActivty crashes in it’s initial attempt to
resume rendering (the onResume seams to do all it needs to though). This is critical because t makes publishing
any GearVR app a no go.

Steps to reproduce:

  • Open a GearVR app
  • Press the back button which switches to the GearVR PlatformActivity
  • Resume app
  • You will see in your logcat that you will resume to the GameActivity and right after the resume has finished
    it’s native work it will crash and switch to the PlatformActivity again

Another way to reproduce the issue is to get a phone call or even locking/unlocking the phone. We suspect that something
is not properly saved or recovered in the onPause/onResume cycle, such as the GL context or even the newer SDK which comes with 4.11.

The issue was not there in 4.10 for GearVR and even for plain android apps it’s working on 4.11.0 preview 8

We can send the project if you want to take a look by yourself.

Here is the log with the crash: Dropbox - locat_ue4.txt - Simplify your life

I created Jira UE-28780 for this and a fix has been submitted for 4.11. Here is the GitHub commit: link text