Failure to launch game UE 4.10.4

Ive gotten frustrated working on my game for it to fail. so I am attempting to load the first person example map and launch immediate so I can ensure it launches. This way my partner and I can test it during the build. However as soon as I launch without doing anything to the premade UE4 file I get error

LogStats:Warning: MetaData mismatch. Did you assign a stat to two groups? New //STATGROUP_Threads//FLauncherTask///Thread_1824_0///####STATCAT_Advanced#### old //STATGROUP_Threads//FLauncherTask///Thread_2a64_0///####STATCAT_Advanced####

Can someone please explain how I can get this testable? Thank you!

I am having a similar Issue. I open up the first person tutorial and I want to build and export it so it can stand alone and run but when I try to compile the game I get an error and it crashes. Any expert help would be really appreciated.

Hi mahalim,

Due to the large volume of questions and comments concerning the Engine, we did not have a chance to respond to your post at the time you submitted it and, thus, the issue is now outdated. If you are still experiencing this issue in the current release of the Engine, please make a new post for assistance.
