Blank/empty fatal error: Packaging cook failing with no explanation

Hello everyone!

I’ve been trying to solve this error for a couple of days now, Unreal packaging is failing at the cooking stage but does not tell me what is causing the error instead it says “fatal error” then prints a couple of blank lines. However, when I disable the substance plugin, it does build successfully, but I need the plugin enabled to use textures for the game so I can’t leave it disabled.

Here is the output log: link text

Any idea what might be causing this error specifically? Any help would be very much appreciated!

Hi gymmyjimmy,

Looking at the log, I don’t see anything that readily stands out, other than the UAT shutting down because it waited a while.

Check this location for the cook log: C:\Program Files\Epic Games\4.10\Engine\Programs\AutomationTool\Saved\Cook-2016.03.24-01.36.30.txt

This is mentioned log, so this may have some helpful information to why the cook failed exactly that is not listed in this log you posted.


Hi Tim, thanks for the reply!

I didn’t find anything that caused the errors in the cook log but I was able to get it to build by enabling “Full Rebuild” and adding a map to the “List of Maps to Include in Packaged Build” in the packaging options.

Ok, glad you’ve got it sorted. My guess would be that there was some code or possibly assets that were outdated that caused it to fail if nothing is specifically called out in the logs. Sometimes it can be a guessing game and trying a few things like Full Rebuild to get packaging to work.