How to make physic simulated weapons in 4.8 and up?

I updated a project from 4.7 to 4.10 and I can not get the physics on the character work like before. It seems like Character Movement is now applying its velocity to all its components in the BP. I basically have a weapon that swings through physics but now in 4.10 it swing like crazy through the player rotating and moving. Before it just rotated attached and I can apply force or torque for the actual swing.
Is the any way I can set character movement to not not apply velocity or physics force or whatever it is now doing?

I already tried using constraint components and making it physic swinging in the skeletal mesh physic asset as well as a lot of hierarchy combinations but nothing makes it behave like before.

To recreate:

  • use first person example player BP
  • add a physics constraint component
  • set component 1 to be the capsuleComponent, Component 2 to your weapon component
  • For the weapon you can use a default cone and set it to physics simulated
  • Hit play and watch you weapon go crazy because of player rotation and movement

The problem seems to be there since 4.8