How to move a Pawn using Navigation with custom Accel, Decel and Rotation?

Hi guys

I am creating a prototype game that features ships (think the Mayflower). I am having a lot of trouble working out how to
implement the basic movement for the ships.

I am targeting Mobile platform and therefore I am looking for a performant solution. I want each ship to “handle” differently based on have certain qualities. I want to be able to tune Acceleration, Top Speed, Turning Angle / Rotation for each ship.

The player will control where the ship moves by tapping on the screen. However, this is where I come unstuck. I can’t seem to find a good
solution that adequately meets my needs.

Desired Navigation Behavior

  1. Accept target destination location Calculate the navigation path, taking obstacles (e.g. islands) into account and navigating around them
  2. Orient towards the nav path with cusmotisable rotation speed for each ship
  3. Accelerate (customisable property for each ship) to Max Speed
  4. Decelerate (customisable property for each ship) to rest when reaching the destination.

What I’ve tried with limited success

  1. Using FloatingMovement Component. I can’t seem to get this to work with acceleration /
    deceleration and rotation
    . In my every attempt it accelerates instantly which
    is a deal breaker.
  2. Create custom BP to move the pawn. I tried to replicate FlyingPawn from the default
    templates. This worked reasonably well, however, it does not handle obstacle
    navigation and pathing. I am at loss how to write custom pathing from scratch.
    I could sphere trace forward on tick but the solution needs to be performant on
    mobile. I don’t think that would work. At any rate, doing so would tell me if
    there is an obstacle ahead of me, but not how to get around it.
  3. I looked into trying to create Characters instead of Pawns, but that doesn’t seem
    to work very well. I am not sure what to do with Skeletal Mesh and how to
    handle the player capsule. It also feels “wrong” – this should really be a Pawn
    and not a Character.

Question: what is the best way to achieve desired behavior for me?

Thanks everyone

Did you ever figure out any of this? I’m dealing with a similar issue, my boat is not as complex as your setup but it has similar qualities. My main issue is detailed here…

I’m not sure if this is a solvable issue but any help would be amazing, thanks.