4.11 Preview: Ambient Occlusion Mask not working

I’ve noticed that in the 4.11 previews that when I build lighting with ambient occlusion enabled, it don’t show and neither do indirect bounces. It also doesn’t create the AO mask that you can use in the Material editor.

Hey Memekin,

Could you provide me with some screenshots of your scene after the light build, as well as your material set up for the Precomputed AO Material Mask?

Could you also tell me what types of lights you are using in your scene, including their mobility (i.e. Static, Stationary, or Movable)?

Thank you,

First Off, the problem with the ambient occlusion and indirect lighting wasn’t a bug, just some bad settings. Sorry for any confusion.

The precomputed mask still is though, so I made a very simple scene of a few static meshes as well as one Stationary Directional Light and one Stationary Sky Light (captured scene) using only two materials.

Really simple, just changes color and roughness according to AO mask

Both of these screenshots were taken from exactly the same position. As you can see, in 4.10 the color changes where you would expect to find AO, but not in 4.11

For what it’s worth, I haven’t been able to get it to work either. I’ve tried multiple material setups that I’ve found online of working materials from 4.10, even the example from the UE4 docs, but in 4.11 it just won’t work.

Hello EricMajka,

Thank you for the elaborate report. Fortunately a bug report has already been entered for this issue UE-24771. Once a fix for this has been implemented, either myself or another teammate will return with the update.

Let me know if you have further questions or need additional assistance.


Any update on the fix?

We were not able to reproduce this bug in 4.12.5 so it has been marked as cannot reproduce.

Thank you,