Set Vehicle Mass in realtime (almost working) But Inertia Tensor Scale increases

Hello, i need help to Set Vehicle Mass in realtime, the problem is that Inertia Tensor Scale increases with new Mass Value and does not reset back.

Question is How to set Inertia Tensor back after changing the vehicle mass?

cpp inherited from VehicleMovementComponent4W:

 #include "SalkiGame.h"
#include "SalkiVehicleMovementComponent4W.h"


USalkiVehicleMovementComponent4W::USalkiVehicleMovementComponent4W(const FObjectInitializer& ObjectInitializer) : Super(ObjectInitializer)

void USalkiVehicleMovementComponent4W::SetVehicleMass(float newMass, FVector newInertiaTensorScale)
	Mass = newMass; //set new mass value
	FixupSkeletalMesh(); //Not sure if it is doing something
	SetupVehicleMass(); // Updates the VehiclePhysX with new Mass but Ruins Inertia Tensor Scale
	InertiaTensorScale = newInertiaTensorScale; // Doing Nothing
	//SetupVehicle(); // - Ruin all Vehicle PhysX
	UE_LOG(SalkiVehicleMovementComponent4W_Log, Warning, TEXT("InertiaTenzor = %f"), InertiaTensorScale.X);

Bump, i need help on that

Had anyone figured this out yet? I just ran into a similar problem myself.

set physx vehicle params , if u need do it in realtime or u must recreate vehicle and spawn new vehicle for apply changes