Getting multiple components repeatedly

I’m trying to get a character to move between three points.
These three points are arrow components on a Tile that is being spawned constantly (Endless runner).
What I’m doing is getting the three points vectors and adding that vector to my characters location.

I’ve got a function that gets the Reference to the closest Tile to my character, and then I want to get the location of the components ‘RunSpotMid’, ‘RunSpotLeft’ and ‘RunSpotRight’

Here is a photo of what I’ve done.

Find Closest Tile for Reference works consistently, I’ve checked the debug and each time my character reaches a new tile, the Tile that gets returned changes.

And for some strange reason, when I move my character it works once only (as in, the RunSpot reference is found and the character moves towards it).

However after that, I can no longer get a reference from any of the run spots, my assumption is I need to have some sort of executable that will update those for me.

Also, the ‘Move Sideways’ Function is being called whenever I hit ‘A’ or ‘D’ in the event tab, not under tick.
When I put ‘Find Closest Tile for Reference’ in eventTick, the result was the same (got the component reference once only)

Here is a full image of the code that is relevant

Any ideas on how I can consistently get the components from this reference?


Figured it out! For anyone else who might stumble upon this, instead of getting the object as the return value through the function and trying to get its components, return the components themselves, that way they will always refresh.