Can I have more then one EventBeginPlay?

Is it possible to have more than one EventBeginPlay somehow?? Or is there another way I can do that? Having multiple triggerable events at begin play??

thank you.

You can use multiple EventBeginPlay. If there is an upper limit on how many you can use I don’t know about that.

Additionally, you can always put a sequence in front of an EventBeginPlay if you want an alternate means of splitting up actions that occur as a result.

Yea when I create another in my blueprint it just says copy…and the copied node doesn’t work correctly. :confused:

You can’t, either use the Sequence node to have multiple outputs or just connect the nodes one after the other

Understood. Thank ya.

See if my answer helps you! pretty much same concept.

Good luck!

Oh I must have been thinking in terms of multiple blueprints. I always just use a sequence node after my EventBeginPlay.