Make Class Defaults in the Details panel visible outside BP?

It’s a little bit annoying to have to open up the BP to edit properties like max walk/run speed, enable different bools etc. in a game controller or any other type of BP that’s at the back of the game and not part of the scene.

I’d like to enable this pannel

To show the class defaults like shown when opening the BP

I see no reason why selecting something from the content browser wouldn’t bring up it’s defaults in the details panel in the main editor. I looked all over the options but I can’t find a line enabling this function, so I guess I’m asking if it’s even there?

There is this bool which is what is displayed in that details panel not the defaults, note that its for each BP instance so you can reset to default or set a custom value not edit a default value.

I do kinda see where youre coming from though since the defaults are tucked away now since the defaults moved from a main tab in earlier versions.

I know about this option. My problem is with things that are not in the scene (for example the GameMode where I store most of the gameplay settings). Here’s an example, I have an “EnableWind” bool that simplifies testing in particular areas. Everytime I want to disable/enable it I have to dig into the BP and look for it there, instead of just clicking on the BP in the content browser and have the publicly exposed variables available right there and then.

Something like property serialization I guess? Or should I just run these variables through the construction script? Will that show them up in the details panel?

Okay so youre talking when you have a BP selected in the Content Browser it should show the default properties in the details panel?

That does make alot of sense to me in terms of workflow, I typically have a layout where the content browser has the details panel next to it however the panel only shows whats selected in the viewport.

Aye that’s exactly what I’m talking about :smiley: I know it seems like a super minor thing, I mean the class defaults are only a double-click away.

But that’s the only thing I still miss from Unity when I changed to UE4 about a year ago. It just seems convenient to have all the appropriate variables 1 click away.