Game editor unable to load after coding error

The editor was not able to be loaded after some code errors.
the offensive codes were:
MyParticles-> CreateDefaultSubobject(TEXT(“Fire”)); // “->”
static ConstructorHelpers::FObjectFinder MyParticlesSystem(TEXT(“ParticleSystem’/Game/StarterContent/Particles/P_Fire.P_Fire”)); // "missing ’ "

amended codes were:
MyParticles= CreateDefaultSubobject(TEXT(“Fire”));
static ConstructorHelpers::FObjectFinder MyParticlesSystem(TEXT(“ParticleSystem’/Game/StarterContent/Particles/P_Fire.P_Fire’”));

I had loaded the project thru vs2015 by clicking UProj_platform.sln as i couldnt load the game project thru the unreal launcher without immediately exiting (with crash errors). From there i I have removed/amended the code errors and ran the code by “local windows debugger” (solution was in DebugGame Editor mode). It compiled without errors and successfully loaded the unreal game editor with the game running with no errors. However, that was in VS DebugGame editor mode and wasnt not able to be compiled in the Unreal game editor environment. After existing both vs2015 and unreal game editor, i had tried loading the project thru unreal launcher but was exited with a crash report. Please help. This happens for both 4.10 or 4.11 preview. As attached is the log file.

link text

I have seen this link which has another issue, but part of the solution solved my problem.
link text

to fix this, you will need:

  1. Double click your project_file.sln in the base dir of the project folder.
  2. Amend the offending code by commenting them out or amending them in the the vs2015.
  3. Save the code without debugging and exit vs2015.
  4. Delete “Binaries” folder in the project root folder.
  5. Click on the project in the unreal launcher. It will prompt “rebuild or something”, just proceed with it.
  6. The game editor will show up as usual without exiting with error codes.

The above assumed that error code was eliminated and therefore the game editor should open as usual.

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