How do I create Double Swinging doors?

HI, I have been trying to create a double swinging doors for my castle now for the past two weeks now and getting no place fast. I have been trying every blueprint I can find on YouTube and other sites through Google and even through many forums in Unreal site and still can not get the doors to open or work. I have tried making them with triggers and trigger boxes with timelines, among other things.

I am trying to create a large double swinging doors that will open inwards when you approach them rather than having to press a key or or clicking on them. I did find a video for that shows what I am trying to do, but that is for a sliding single gate type that slides up and down. Think of it as an automatic doors in a way. Any one willing to help me out on this issue? I am rather new with Blueprints and I am trying to learn how to use it the best I can. Thanks in advance.