Getting "Error Unknown Cook Failure" when packaging

Hello, every time I attempt to package my project I get the error: Error Unknown Cook Failure. I looked through the logs and could not figure out what seems to be the problem. I have also searched through the site and have not found a resolution yet. Could someone help me please? Here is a link of my output log:

We have gotten this error for two reasons (so far)
1.) In engine.ini the log level was invalid (a typo)
2.) The blueprints had become corrupt. We use Subversion so we checked out older revisions until it worked. Then re-did the changes of the next revision so they were no longer corrupt.

I’m afraid I don’t understand. Do I have to roll back to an older version of UE4 or is there some way to validate all of the blueprints?

Not rolling back Unreal, rolling back our project code. Also you must delete the Binary and Intermediate folders to force a complete rebuild.