I am a professional cartoonist. I would like to use the unreal engin. Do I have to pay a fee in this case? Thank you for your answer

I am a professional cartoonist.
I would like to use the unreal engin.
Do I have to pay a fee in this case?
Thank you for your answer.

Hi, from my understand UE4 is free to use (Thanks Epic).

However, it’s free for personal/ educational purposes.

When you release a game, and your intentions are for making money (Mo’ money, more problems, as my friend says - Matthew), then you will need to pay a certain amount of your profits to Epic.

I think the threshold is £5000, so when you make more, you pay a certain fee.

Please correct me if I am wrong.

Regarding my comment,

Please read the blog post, Your Answer lies here…

But … I earn money as a cartoon. T.T

Yes, but if you are using UE4 for 2D animation, and you earn money from that, then you will have to pay Epic once you earn an X amount of profit.

I think we should.
Thank advice.

So remember, if you make more than {Threshold} then you pay UE4 {x}%. Have fun :smiley:

Hello ther, EG only changers you when you release a videogame, never under any other circumstance. UE4 may be use to ciinametic aswell for archvis among others, and the use for this cases is completly free,

Of course there are some license that you can pay, even if you are not develeoping videogames, but is more for personal support

actually only whe you make money through games is when EG charges you