AIController RunBehaviorTree not work

HI I wanted change Behavior Tree in Runtime.

RunBehaviorTree Function return true but not work Behavior Tree.

this is my code.

void AMonsterBaseController::Possess( APawn* InPawn ) {
	Super::Possess( InPawn );

	Owner = Cast<AMonsterBase>( InPawn );

	if ( !Owner ) {
		UE_LOG( LogClass, Log, TEXT( "MonsterBaseController Get Onwer Null" ) );

	if ( Owner->GetStateByBehaviorTree( AMonsterBase::EBaseState::Chase )->BlackboardAsset ) {

		Blackboard->InitializeBlackboard( *Owner->GetStateByBehaviorTree( AMonsterBase::EBaseState::Chase )->BlackboardAsset );

bool rtVal = RunBehaviorTree( Owner->GetStateByBehaviorTree( AMonsterBase::EBaseState::Chase ) );

		 if ( !rtVal )
			 GEngine->AddOnScreenDebugMessage( -1, 10, FColor::Blue, TEXT( "Behavior Tree Not Run" ) );

What should I do

Try calling StopTree on your UBehaviorTreeComponent before calling RunBehaviorTree and see if that helps.

UBehaviorTreeComponent* BTComp = Cast<UBehaviorTreeComponent>(BrainComponent);
if(BTComp) BTComp->StopTree();
bool rtVal = RunBehaviorTree( Owner->GetStateByBehaviorTree( AMonsterBase::EBaseState::Chase ) );

Oh It is Work
Than you.

but It work Only In Tick Function
Not Work in Possess Function
Can I know why not work in Possess Function?

You don’t need the call to InitializeBlackboard, it gets automatically called from RunBehaviorTree, but you do need the StopTree before it…
I don’t see other errors in the code you provided. Perhaps the error is elsewhere?

Do not see any errors.

Debug That Code
But Work Well

I am not Use Possess Function and Project well making
thank you