Apply Movement to only one piece of Destructible

I want to make telekines skill for my character with realistic physics. So, I’m using destructable mesh. I need to apply force to only piece of destructable mesh, wich is on my target to move that piece without other pieces. I get a destructible object by line trace, next I apply force to it but ALL pieces were affected by force not only one. But I need only one piece. How I can do that? Please help!

Ok, I got name of destructible mesh frgment bone, which ray hit… But I can’t get it’s location or reference to apply force!!!

New step - I found that I can Get Bone Position by Name, but only if my component is poseable mesh. So, I tried use my Destructible mesh as poseable mesh and got Editor crash. Deadend… Help!!

Here is my solution:

Edit: if you get no affect then try increasing the force amount, because it does work.


PrimComp->AddForceAtLocation(ForceAmount, HitResult.ImpactPoint, HitResult.BoneName);
