Android packaging error

Hi guys.

I need a help, when I try packing my project, ue4 give me this error. Some one can help-me?


[link text][1]

[1]: Packing Android.txt (65 KB)

It looks like you changed the package name a few times and had some invalid names:

package com.Colmeia.Living Resort;
package com.Colmeia.[Living Resort];

Neither [ ] or spaces are allowed. Change the Android package name to “com.Colmeia.LivingResort”. Also, you’ll need to delete D:\PROJECTS\10_Colmeia\Realidade\Living_Resort\Intermediate\Android and D:\PROJECTS\10_Colmeia\Realidade\Living_Resort\Build\Android\src to make sure it doesn’t try to use the older generated code.

Thanks Chris,
I made all changes and now I hare other error. I share the new log. If u can help me.

Is the first time I try packing to Android.


link text

I see you set the NDK API level to android-21 and SDK API level to 23. Make sure you set SDK API level no higher than android-22, not to “latest”; there are changes we don’t support at the moment with anything higher. This is set in the Android SDK project settings.

Please also note that setting the NDK API level higher than 19 will mean your application will not work on any Android device running less than Lollipop (5.0).

Thanks Chris, now I think it will work…