Notify Epic about demo release

Hi! :slight_smile:
I am working on a game and I would like to upload a free demo version of my game on GameJolt and I will be getting some small amount of money from ads so I will send an Email to Epic to notify them about it.
I would like to know what happens when I release my game on Steam as a paid game, do I need to send an Email again?
My second question is : What should I put under “unique product identifier(s)” for now when I’m releasing it on Gamejolt?
Thank you!

Hey Blue man! One email notifying the release of your game is fine. Just include the release date for both your free demo version as well as when you expect to release it on Steam (or a guesstimate if you don’t have an exact date planned). There’s no unique product identifier needed related to your Gamejolt release, other than your product name of course :slight_smile: Hope that helps!

Thank you! :slight_smile: