How do I set up Tessellation/Displacement to work with my model?

Hello everyone,

in the past few days I tried to get displacement/tessellation to work, but somehow I always experience a weird issue.

So this is what the expected result for me should look like:

And now the weird issue that I come across:

Both screenshots are taken from the same material and when applied to static meshes it doesn’t look right either.
I just can’t figure out why this is occurring, so I hope to get a bit of help here.

The material uses flat tessellation and looks like that:


The cube’s poly count may not be enough and thats why you may be having that issue.

I tried it with a new box and it worked! Thank you! I haven’t expected something as simple as that ^^

Im having the same issue but I put a new box and it still does the same ugly stuff i clicked on the tessellate option as well but still doesn’t work how do i increase the poly count on a cube?

I use 3ds max and what I did was I just increased the amount of length, width and height segments under parameters. As for the material preview, well I don’t think you can raise the poly count there (as far as my knowledge goes), but you can use own static meshes within the preview of the material if you need to.

Ok thank you.