Sound Attenuation Asset not editable [BUG?]

Hello and thank you for this awesome Engine and Editor! :slight_smile:

I have a question though:

When I create a Sound Attenuation Asset or open an existing one (like from the ContentExamples) there is no editable content in it:

When I export a Sound Attenuation Asset from the ContentExamples i.e. “Small_Attenuation_200_1000” the “Small_Attenuation_200_1000.COPY” file does have content in it though:

Begin Object Class=SoundAttenuation Name=“Small_Attenuation_200_1000”
End Object

Is it a Bug?

(this is also not working in 4.11 Preview)

Thank you and have a nice day!

Okay I just had to enable the “Details”-panel under the “Windows”-menu derp
