Creating a target system (blueprints)

Hi everyone,

I tried to do this via c++, but ran into some unusual problems so I thought I’d try the alternative which is blueprints. I’ve not really used blueprints so please bear that in mind.
What I want to do is to create a set number of destructible meshes at runtime (lets say 5), log how many have been created, display this number in this method → 5/5 targets remaining, and each time one is hit (I’m guessing using the in built on collision node that I’ve noticed before in the projectile blueprints) it decreases by one. Can someone explain how I might go about this?


The part I can not help you with is getting the number of destructible meshes.
Get then as a integer get a “Text” widget and put it there then on the event of take away one get another “Text” widget and set it to get the integer from that.
You will need 2 integer variables for the 2 numbers that will be displayed. This is not very detailed so please feel free to get assistance.