Vertex of 3d model in origin?

What is the correct way to place a simple 3d object in space in modelling? Should the middle of one edge, the middle of the object (center of mass) or one vertex be in the origin? I get that it can differ for special object, but what’s the way to go for e.g. a wall?

I’m a bit confused, so far I mostly used either a vertex or an edge for all my cuboid-like objects. That made sense to me for example with the animation of doors. But now I downloaded a product from the marketplace that only really works when I place the middle of all parts of buildings in the origin. This forces me to adjust all those objects in my level again. Luckily those aren’t too many but then I will struggle with my doors…

Hi Peepeeee,

Seeing as you helped me I’ll try to help you. I think it is up to what you prefer. I generally place my origin centrally and at the bottom so the origin of the object is on the ground, it also makes all other objects on the same surface the same height.

As for your doors, I can’t see any way of modifying the constraint rotation away from the origin point. Also remember you can insert a static mesh into a blueprint so the blueprint can have a different origin from the static mesh.