Paper 2D player controller for touch to move fails

Little background. I’m building a simple side scrolling type game in which I’d like to use a touch to move feature for the player (IE, player character walks over to the location touched/clicked). I’ve reviewed the top down sample repeatedly and have duplicated the blueprints, level settings, world settings, and character possession settings precisely and verified that I have a nav mesh in place (actually tried with 3 fresh projects to be sure I hadn’t mussed something up along the way). Whenever I try to test with PIE, it typically acts as though the mouse clicks are not being registered by the controller (running with a break on the input event and getting no stop), but occasionally it will activate the break and cycle several times before resuming normal idle state. At no point does the player character actually move, however. I’ve had this issue with 4.10 as well and several hours looking here and on the forums has yielded no better results.

My latest attempt has involved trying to replicate the click/touch functionality at the character level, but I’ve not yet discerned how to get that working either.

Played around a bit more with the original design and have arrived at a point where if I place a break at the final node of the move to function, it hits every time there is input (yay!). My player character still refuses to budge, however (darn!). I’ve attached all of the information that should be relevant to this issue, but if anyone has an idea and needs to see more, please feel free to ask.

This is actually an issue related to another question I posted more recently and was resolved.

See this link for more info