Vive motion controllers offset from HMD

After setting up the motion controllers for the Vive they seem to be offset from a different center point than the HMD. It’s most easily seen in this video, for which I am holding the controllers straight out in front of me and rotating in place, you can see how the center pivot for the controllers is offset.
Video of the problem

Is there some setting or calibration I am missing?

Hi Wertle, sorry i can’t help you out but… I’m getting something similar. When rotating the HMD, there is no offset on the X and Y axis. But if i control the camera, for example by using the trackpad to rotate the camera around the Z axis (motion sickness ftw), i get this same kind of offset. I’m guessing we are both missing the same configurations.
i’m using a modified version of 4.10

So, i never resolved exactly what was causing this, but instead opted to use the lovely vive template in this thread:

My guess is the original problem has to do with the camera not being part of the pawn itself? I haven’t tested this theory, though, so I hesitate to mark it as an answer so much as a workaround.

When I was setting up the pawn like described on the wiki, I got the same issue. My guess is that there is already an “updated” way of doing things right for the HTC Vive, but those changes are not yet written down.

When I set up a pawn like in one of the Vive community templates - without a scene component that the camera is attached to - everything worked fine.