NavMesh resolution problem?

Hi, i got a team of npc that should get cover from enemies, and i marked the cover points with some TargetPoint-derived blueprins, and placed them near some obstacles, but i noticed that the navmesh around those obstacle is kinda low-res, i mean that some cover point are actually out the navemesh of just some centimeters even if are 50cm from the obstacles. My npcs got to the cover point just for the acceptable range of the Move BT node, i think.

I found the Cell (horizontal) Size value in the project settings, and lowered it from 19 to 10 to get amore precise navmesh, but even if now all the cover points get into the navmesh my npc don’t even move to get to them, and i don’t understand.

Moreover, if i reset the cell size back to 19, my npc still not move.

Is this a bug?

I also found this:

(navmesh cell size 5)
it looks to me like 2 navmesh triangles are averlapping or sort of.

another bug?

Now i tryed lowering the vale of Agent Radius to 20, but this too made my npcs not move, even raising it back to 34.