Unique player control question

Ok I’ll try to explain this as best that I can. I have my animation blueprint and blends all set up the way I want them. I’m mapping the controls and that’s where it get’s confusing to do what I want for my game.

Alright, I have a set up like this

W: = forward walking
Left Shift and W: = forward running
W and D: = Walking into a right turn
W and A: = Walking into a left turn
Left Shift + W and D: = Running into a right turn
Left Shift + W and A: = Running into a left turn
D: = Rotates the PAWN in place to the right
A: = Rotates the PAWN in place the left.

That’s all correct for my game BUT the problem is if I press Left Shift and D The Pawn should continue it running to the right. and vise versa with Left shift and A. But instead the PAWN does the A or D Rotation

So my question is How do I tell Unreal that if Left Shift + A or D are being pressed together than the PAWN should do a Running turn in that direction?

I hope this makes sense, tried to make is as clear as I could.