How to compile project using Xcode?

Hi all, this question is probably very simple but I can’t figure it out at all. I’ve been following the Twin stick shooter series in the video tutorials, and he creates the “BaseCharacter” class which upon creation is opened in visual studio. I’m on a mac so it opens in Xcode, but instead of opening in a “project” with extra windows showing file paths, build buttons, etc, it just opens the .cpp and .h files.
This wouldn’t be a problem but when I go to Product->Build, the build option is grayed out, and when I create a blueprint from the class in Unreal engine, none of the variables/function that I coded out in xcode appear. Do I have to somehow “link” Xcode and unreal engine?

Same problem. I’m sure I’m overlooking a simple solution. Did you figure out the solution?

This question is actually so hard it has -1 answers. WTF.