How to get a widgetbutton working over network?


I started working with Unreal Engine about a week ago. My goal is to make a RPG Multiplayer with different interactions. I’m still learning and getting used to it. Anyways normally I’m figuring out problems myself, but this time I need some help.

So here is the thing:

I have done a simple System where the blueprint gets the cursor breakresult when hovering over an actor with the prefix A so i can simply add more actors that are interactable later.

Then a 2 button widget pops up into the screen asking if you want to Take, Drop (or whatever) the Item. So far so good, with a Event Dispatcher i can manage to print a String when pressing the button, but the thing is i want it to be replicated. But everytime i try to replicate it, no matter how I try, I get the String printed as: Client -2: "Text"

I’m probably missing something pretty easy i just dont know it.

Here is my PlayerController Blueprint

The Widget is just an empty button now because i deleted the wrong solution.
It was just a simple Event Dispatcher called from the widget and used inside the PlayerController to print the String, with a custom event put on multicast. But then I always get Client-2 and nothing’s working after that. I tried with Destroy Actor but it didnt go off.

Oh and yeah i know that i should have tried it with HasAuthority but you cant call that inside a widget as it seems.

-push- after 3 days