4.11: Can no longer confine a sound mix to sound cue's radius

Previously, I was using a sound mix on an ambient sound cue for creating underwater ambience. It worked great, whenever a player entered the bounds of the sound cue, the mix would change and everything would become muffled. When they left the cue’s box radius everything would return to normal.

Now after updating, this no longer works. The sound mix is not confined to the sound cue’s radius and now gets applied to every sound in the level. I’m a bit dismayed since it seemed like a fairly elegant solution I had before, the new audio features are great I just don’t know if this was intentional. I’ve had to change my process now and can’t get quite the same effect using just audio volumes.

Can you describe exactly what you mean by this?

“I was using a sound mix on an ambient sound cue”

I suspect it’s because we’re no longer stopping a sound if it’s playing at zero-volume, so the sound-cue is technically no longer stopping when not in the box radius. This was an intentional feature (to prevent a large number of other issues). If I can identify exactly your implementation method, I can probably come up with a way to retain the old behavior or suggest an implementation tweak to recover it.

Hi, thanks for replying.

I created a sound mix that applied a low pass filter and EQ to all ambient sound classes when activated, except for any sound using the Underwater sound class.

This method made everything (except the actual underwater ambience) sound muffled when you were inside the sound cue’s radius, which helped with cues that needed to be heard both above and below the water, specifically splashes from swimming characters. I have the splash cues attached to the character’s legs so they usually spawn under the water surface, my old method allowed them to be muffled when heard underwater but clear when out of the water.

I’ve tried using an audio volume for this instead, but you can’t attach a sound mix to one and the filters only seem to apply to sounds outside the volume instead of those inside of it.

It sounds like the Threshold setting on the ‘underwater’ SoundClass has been set to 0.0, instead of whatever it was before. That would account for the ‘underwater’ SoundMix being triggered all the time. Could you take a look and let me know what you find? Thanks! -Zak

To follow up on this, I think I’m going to set a low minimum threshold value (maybe 0.01 or 0.001) for the passive sound-mix modifiers stuff so that 0-volume sounds don’t accidentally trigger passive sound mixes.

That solved it!

The threshold was set to zero, i upped it to .05 and the mix now stops when i exit the sound cue’s range.

Thankyou :slight_smile:

Great! Thanks for writing back, will definitely add a min-value cutoff so that others don’t get bit by this too. Sorry for the trouble.