unreal engine 4.11 takes about 5-10x as long to open my map vs unreal 4.10... why?

unreal engine 4.11 takes about 5-10x as long to open my map vs unreal 4.10… why?

Hi ,

We will need a some more information to determine what may be causing the project to lag when opening:

  1. Are you first launching UE 4.11 and then choosing to open a copy of your 4.10 project (VS choosing to open the original project with UE 4.11?)
  2. As a troubleshooting step, try creating a new Content Examples project in UE4.10, then opening a copy of this in UE4.11. Does this take considerably longer to open? If not, this points to a specific asset or assets in your project.
  3. Open the original 4.10 version and make sure lighting is built and save. Then open a copy of your project in UE4.11, build lighting and save. Are there any errors in the 4.11 version? When you close and reopen the 4.11 version after rebuilding lighting and saving, does it still take a long time to open?

Please try the above troubleshooting steps and post your results.



Hi ,

Since we have not heard back from you in a few days, we are marking this post as “resolved” for tracking purposes. If, however, you are still experiencing long delays when opening your map in UE4.11, please respond with the requested information and we will continue to investigate.

