Swarm agent fails to kick off since 4.11

Hi All

I’m using 4.11 Github version and can’t build lighting because the swarm agent consistently fails to kick off. The reason why I’m posting this in bug reports is because I’ve done the recommended steps- turned off windows defender, firewall etc, and it still fails. I’ve opened a new project in 4.11, third person shooter template, and tried to build that and it has the same problem.

I’ve also got several versions of the engine on my computer and it works fine on, for example, 4.9.2 github version.

I’m wondering if there’s something about my set-up that the new engine doesn’t like- windows 10, 4 x gpu’s (not in SLI), or possibly the office router or something like that. There’s no firewall on the router…

I have exactly same problem as @Robbiecooper Don’t know solve it.

This solved it;

Look at the picture that quintendc links to in comment. I didnt really get what they meant in the docs about rebuilding UnrealLightmass…

Check out the answer I linked to…

Hi, Thank you for the linked answer, hope this will solve the problem. If you get any success, please let us know.