Shooter Game Custom Startup Screen?

Hello guys,
I have setup a custom own startup map in my game,which is based on the Shooter Game Example,but still when I package the game it doesn’t load the startup movies I selected and it loads the default startup screen from the example.How can I modify this,so the game loads my selected map in Project Settings and not the default startup or at least change the map selection in the default startup menu?


I hope It is not too late but I was checking how the ShooterGame make the Startup process as well.

In the ShooterGameLoadingScreen.cpp, there is the following section

virtual void StartupModule() override
		// Load for cooker reference
		LoadObject<UObject>(NULL, TEXT("/Game/UI/Menu/LoadingScreen.LoadingScreen") );

		if (IsMoviePlayerEnabled())
			FLoadingScreenAttributes LoadingScreen;
			LoadingScreen.bAutoCompleteWhenLoadingCompletes = true;

You just need to change the following line with the movie you want to play. By default I think It looks into the Movies Folder
