Building Unreal Engine 4.11 on Fedora 23

Anyone had a successful compilation of unreal engine for fedora 23? wouldn’t you mind giving guide?

I been building the ue4 but I can’t compile the UE4Editor.

I tried some of the following answers and still got the error… It seems that it was clang problem.

UE4 Error

Hey Mikespeed203-

Can you explain where you are running into issues installing the engine? Were you able to download / clone the engine from GitHub? Were you able to successfully run and Please include the steps you’ve taken so far.


Are you on a VM or a real box? I haven’t been able to get UE4 to compile under any Linux distro in a VM yet, I think because of not-good-enough graphics drivers.

If that’s not your issue, then like said, you need to indicate what you are actually trying and what output you get when you try it.

hi sorry for my late response. I’m trying to compile UE4 on a real box. I donwloaded the latest release zip on github. followed the instruction, everything went well from and I am using clang 3.7 to compile UE4. make UE4Editor fails

What is the error output for the failure?

@Mikespeed203, if you are still having trouble I just built it on a mostly fresh install of F23 without too much trouble. This is a native installation, not a VM, so I can’t speak to that other than that if you are using VirtualBox you definitely want to install the VirtualBox Guest Additions for higher success rate.

The directions for installing should be in

replacing YOUR_GITHUB_USERNAME with the right thing. The file takes care of some of this, but at the top there are things listed that you need to install before you can compile things.

  1. UI related items:

    sudo dnf install mono-core mono-devel qt-devel

    mono is all of the microsoft .net and other goodies, and qt is one of the available windowing systems we can use. gtk is also possible, but for simplicity just use qt. The file will try and install all of these for you, but there is no harm in doing this before.

  2. This is one thing that does not try and install, but UE4 uses a different C/C++ compiler than you may be used to on Linux.

    sudo dnf install clang clang-devel

    This should give you everything you need, and after finishes (takes a little while do download everything) if it does not print **** Success **** (I don’t remember how many asterisks there were) then it did not work. I forgot to install clang the first go and that was why I didn’t succeed, and may be why you are having trouble.

  3. Also step 3 of those directions, after you get that success message, you need to execute ./ This will give you a Makefile so you can continue forward.

If you just want to build the editor you can just type make, refer to the README for the other options.

I hope that helps some, most of it is just straight from the directions but they are easy to overlook, and not installing clang will fail but it won’t tell you why :wink:

**Edit. FWIW make on its own didn’t compile the editor for me (sorry, was compiling while writing this answer). From the instructions:

make CrashReportClient ShaderCompileWorker UnrealLightmass UnrealPak UE4Editor

Successfully built it though.

I got it working on Fedora 23 Desktop. I posted the steps I took here: