BUG 4.10.4-4.11.0 Reimporting LOD adds garbage Mat.ID

Hello in short, When you import LOD levels in Static Mesh editor its all fine, but when you Reimport any LOD level as a result it creates an additional Material ID slot. But you cant see that in the Static Mesh Editor, instead you can find this when you place a mesh in the world.
Heres’ some screenshots:
Mesh have 3 LODs +Base. Which means 4 Mat ID’s:

But if I dare to re-import any existing LOD level i get this:

And the problem is that Static mesh editor doesnt show this but if you place this mesh into a BP or just in the world you will see that there’s a new Mat ID for that mesh which does nothing and if process of reimporting would repeat the system add another Mat ID to the mesh…
Very annyoing and easy to reproduce.

Hello MasterChief_UA,

This is a known and reported issue with the engine versions you mentioned (UE-1394). Once the issue has been fixed by the and integrated into the engine, it will be added to the list of fixed issues in an upcoming hotfix or major engine release. We ask that you look to our Announcements and Releases section on our Forums, or our Documentation in the Release Notes for a list of bug fixes that were integrated into the build.

Let me know if you have further questions or need additional assistance.


Is this related to same issue where LOD reimporting causes whole LOD mesh to disappear?

Hey Jenny Gore,

These two could be related, but I cannot say as I do not have a repro case for the issue you are reporting. If this is an issue, could you please create a new AnswerHub post and provide the steps there so we can report a separate bug for this issue?

Thank you,