[] blueprint creation dialog bug

Dialog box seems a bit glitchy, anyone know where I might be able to go to figure out why it is glitching, or how to fix it? I have noticed this bug since 4.6

Video showing the bug

Hey cpyarger-

I too noticed the Drop down menu not properly listing the available classes and have entered a bug report (UE-29240) for further investigation. As a workaround, I did notice that if you extend the drop down arrow, so that is shows as a gray filled in arrow, then close and reopen the blueprint window it will show all available classes.



I am looking for where in the source code this behavior is located, or any info on the dialog itself. I know about the workaround, and showed it off in the above video. Where can I access the bug tracker?

Our bug tracking system is for internal reference only. I can update you here with an update once this bug has been fixed/integrated into the engine.