Editor crashes while compiling charaBP after changing postprocess settings

UE4.11 editor crashes while compiling character BP after changing the camera’s postprocess settings(Auto Exposure, dirt mask etc). The crash is reproduced every time when any character BP with camera component is compiled.
The crash is reproduced in other machines?

crash report
Fatal error: [File:D:\BuildFarm\buildmachine_++UE4+Release-4.11\Engine\Source\Runtime\CoreUObject\Private\UObject\GarbageCollection.cpp] [Line: 589]
Invalid object in GC: 0xcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcd, ReferencingObject: NULL, ReferencingProperty: NULL

Crash in runnable thread TaskGraphThread 0


Which settings are you changing in the postprocess settings for the camera component, exactly? I’ve tested altering some of the settings, but I did not notice any crash occurring.

When any settings are changed then the BP is compiled, editor crashes.
Also, today I have noticed that editor crashes while compiling after adding get/set Field Of View node on BP. And the crash report is the same.

Have you been able to reproduce this crash in a clean project?

I’ve changed multiple settings in the post process settings of the camera component, but it hasn’t crashed as of yet.

This crash is not reproduced in a clean project. Editor does not crash while compiling character BP migrated just now from a clean project.
But in my project, the crash occurs while compiling even character BP(starter content asset) which has never been edited before.
Do you have some kind of idea about the cause of the crash?

Could you please cause the crash to occur again, and afterwards do two things:

  1. Please provide the logs from your project’s Saved->Logs folder.
  2. Please provide your Machine ID from the Crash Reporter window and ensure to hit send on the report.

Thank you.

The crash seems to be corrected with 4.11.1 hot fix.
Thank you for your reply.