Making a timer count up on trigger and stop on second trigger?

Alright so I am hopeless with Unreal, newbie to the software here and I am absolutely lost so please try to explain extremely simplified.

As it stands, I have a timer in my FirstPersonCharacter blueprint which essentially starts at 0 and counts up as soon as the level is loaded. I also have a “levelended” actor blueprint which is a trigger/collision box and as soon as the character walks through this actor, the timer stops.

My problem is I need to shift the timer start to start counting when I walk over a 2nd trigger box (let’s call it “timerstart”) as opposed to when the level begins.

This is the blueprint that gets the timer working within the FirstPersonChar blueprint:

And this is the blueprint to stop the timer on my triggerbox blueprint:

And then this is a blueprint in my gameHUD to get the timer to display:

Does anyone have a quick/easy solution? I don’t know how to go about this without breaking it. Please help!