How to adjust the size and shape of a physics body?

I’ve got a short fat character imported and the automatically generated physics bodies for it’s bones are far too large. There are also some unnecessary bodies, such as a tiny physics capsule around the root point. While I do seem to be able to just use the scale tool on these collision capsules, doing so also adjusts the mass, and if I’ve learned anything in my time spent rigging, it’s that scaling things is a terrible idea.

I’m going to give scaling the bodies a shot, but I figured I’d ask on here if there is a way I’m supposed to adjust the shape of these things? As not only does scaling seem like a recipe for disaster, the shape of the physics capsule automatically adjusts when scaling, making it seem like this isn’t the way I’m meant to be doing this.

Can’t you force the mass of a physics body by override? That way you would write down the mass prior to scaling and overwrite using those values.

Just a thought :slight_smile: