Video Capture Renders Black W/Metal

Under OS X 10.11.4 using Metal on an AMD FirePro D700, captured video using the editor’s built-in video capture tools is black. It doesn’t matter if I attempt to capture images or video, the result is the same. However, if I use an external tool video is rendered*. I can still take screenshots using the OS’s built-in tools, however the engine can’t seem to capture video or screenshots.

Under 4.10 and OpenGL, this works just fine.

The video capture code is trying to read from the viewport after the call to EndDrawingViewport which will invalidate the current back-buffer so the underlying Metal drawable can be displayed and so its getting a nil texture. That’s why it then ends up black in the movie. This will need to be refactored in a future version of UE4 - there’s no quick fix for this.

Is there any chance of getting this in 4.12 at least?

Just for tracking purposes the bug entered for this issue is UE-29140.

As mentioned, the fix will not be quick and simple and we will do our best to get a fix integrated into an upcoming hotfix or major engine release. Obviously, sometimes we come across blockers so we cannot guarantee this will be fixed for a specific version just yet.


I’m having a similar issue. I have a few different scenes to render out and all of them were fine… It was just one scene that kept rendering out just a black video. I’m using 4.13

Hey Abeysauras,

This should have been resolved for 4.13. I will say we have replaced Matinee which is now considered the Legacy cinematics and video editor within the Engine. I would try to export from Sequencer to see if you are getting the same results.

Let me know if you have further questions.
