Unreal 4.11 freezes on build


  1. Open blank project for desktop/console, scalable 3d or 2d, with starter content.
  2. Delete everything except: GameplayActors Playerstart. Lights Skylight or directional light. Staticmeshes Floor (2nd one).
  3. Pres Build.

The editor freezes on 0:00:00 “Gathering Scene Geometry 100%”. No crash, but never recovers.

Hey Havebeard,

I did not get the freezing/hanging you are experiencing and reporting. Would you mind providing me with your ‘dxdiag’ so I can have a look at your system specs?

Thank you,

There you go.

link text

After an engine reinstall I can get i to build. Still have no idea what caused it, but it asked for network access this time, which I don’t remember it doing before. Could it have frozen because it had no access before?

Perhaps, that was what happened, but there is no real way to tell since I did not experience the issue on my end and have no context. As long as it is working now, then you should be fine.

If you come across the issue again, please let me know and we can begin troubleshooting some more.


Are you using kaspersky antivirus?

I have the same issue and spent some time investigating it.
You can read all about it here. Since last update 4.12. Prev 4 it reapeard and cleaning Kaspersky doesn’t solve the problem now anymore. :frowning:

You can read more about it here:

Take a look at the Swarm Agent Troubleshooting guide to gather additional information from the Logs so I can take a look at what could be going on with your Swarm Agent.

There are also a number of other suggestions for fixing issues related to Swarm Agent as well. Once you have gotten your logs, and/or exhausted your options let me know and we can continue to investigate.

Thank you,